Selection of Dutch Medblogs

Man in de Zorg has some video’s of planes taking of from airports. Flights from his vacations. This one above is from his vacation in 2008. It gives a nice overview of The Netherlands, flat and crowded.

Huntington Daily has a link to a video about Huntington’s Disease. It’s the story of the 82 year old Ida Gold who tells about her life with her husband with Huntington’s Disease. Three of their four children have inherited the disease.

From 100% Mike this hilarious video about Shii the female variant of Wii, although the narrative is in Dutch it is easily to comprehend, have fun.

Paramedics Worldwide has a nice picture of an emergency vehicle crossing a bridge, it’s The Swan or Erasmus Brug in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. You can only see a blue line from the emergency vehicle across the bridge. On Paramedics you can view a larger sample of this nice picture

erasmus brug de zwaan ambulance

Medlog draws our attention to a medical website for kids, an Australian initiative. It will explain diseases and their cure. For the link visit Medlog

Both DigiCMB and are both to busy trying out twitter. They haven’t written a post the last month. I guess you will have to follow them: @DigiCMB and @jan_medblog. And so is @klutser

Want to see a libarian crack up? Watch this video on Fontys, very good blog with an abundance of posts

Deetjes has an interesting post on Twitter and Web 2.0

On Health Management Rx How it feels to be a patient, link with very nice pictures.

Posts in Dutch
Cryptocheilus discusses the disappointing results of genomics or the fact that Genes Show Limited Value in Predicting Diseases as published in the New York Times.

Vrouw Mens Zorg has a post about primary physicians selling their nigh shifts. In 1987 only 10% of primary physicians sold their night shifts in 2005 it was almost 64%.

Huize Sonnendaal has a post about students helping out elderly with IT problems. They visit the elderly and for a small amount they help out with computer and other IT problems.

Marjolein Fermie is soon going with maternity leave. That’s why she is interested in a recent report by the Dutch Health Inspectorate about maternity care.

On Ervaringen met een verpleeghuis how the scent of roses promotes pleasant dreams

A Day in the life of a Shrink has a very educational post, in his view every child should one day or another see Schindler’s list, I agree completely with his point of view.

Acute Zorg has a post about Swine Flu or Mexican Flu and social media with a lot of links and examples, but are they all objective and scientifically sound?

This is my personal monthly selection of Dutch Medblogs. Choices are very biased and made by myself. If you feel left out, unappreciated or anything else please contact me.