Beauty Queen is a Psychiatrist

Mrs Unites States

This is Mrs United States, she is a MD as well as a psychiatrist. More photo’s here. Interview with Dr Garian Hunter here.


When I decided to compete for Mrs. South Carolina and then Mrs.United States, choosing my platform of anti-stigma and mental health awareness was simple as I was already living this platform every day of my life as a psychiatry resident and advocate for those suffering from mental illness. Almost every day I would hear stories from my patients about how real stigma is in their lives and how devastating an enemy it can be. I consider it an honor to be a voice for those who often times cannot fight for themselves and feel so blessed to have this opportunity to make a difference in their lives.

I couldn’t resist posting this, want to know what to think about this read the original post on Shrink Rap.

I think it is great publicity and hope she will do some good for patients and public opinion on psychiatry with it.