Professional Medical Search With SearchMedica

A new medical search engine: SearchMedica. You can search three specialties: Psychiatry, Primary Care and Oncology/Hematology, who needs more? Well you can vote for other specialties. You can search in three languages: English (both US and GB), French and Spanish.

They keep track of the search terms used and they bring out a quarterly report with the most used search term in the different specialties

For psychiatry the top 5 of the third quarter of 2007 were:
1. mood stabilizer
2. unipolar vs. bipolar depression
3. asperger’s
4. hypomania
5. bipolar

“The ‘Clinical Search Terms’ quarterly reports list the disorders, diseases, conditions and treatments that are top of mind with medical professionals,” said Cyndy Finnie, senior product manager for SearchMedica. “We have compiled all of the oncology, primary care and psychiatry searches that took place in the third quarter to help other medical professionals stay informed of the latest patient care trends impacting their peers and clarify the online behavior of medical professionals for those that can apply these findings to improve communication efforts aimed at medical doctors and other healthcare professionals.”

I tried electroconvulsive therapy. It delivers results by category such as:
1. Reviews
2. Practical artiles and news
3. Evidence-based Articles and Meta-analysis
4. Practice Guidelines
5. Patient Education Materials
6. Clinical Trials for Patients
7. Alternative-Complementary Medicine
8. Practice Management

There is also Related concepts such as depression memory etc for electroconvulsive therapy.
There were some good results, e.g. patient material.

Via ResearchBuzz

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