Grand Rounds Volume 6, Number 16

The Holidays may be over, but there’s no rest for Santa or his cute little Congressional elves. So, after a respite that must have seemed all too brief, Santa has herded his diminutive (but ever-cheerful!) drudges right back into their Secret Workshop, to finish building for us kids the Healthcare We Can All Believe In.

Liked the animation and description of it. A very nice and eloquent introduction of this weeks grand round on The Covert Rationing Blog by DrRich

I especially liked Do you ever go through the motions

“My last instructor told me that sometimes they go through the motions of doing CPR (reanimation), even when they know it is futile, for the benefit of the family. Do you ever go through the motions?”

I also liked the post over at Muse, RN. A relative newcomer to the blogosphere.

Muse is rightly fed up with the frequent disrespect shown to the nursing profession, and to the systematic lack of political clout these indispensible professionals have.

Reflections on 30 years of ward attending. 10 things DB has learned from 30 years work from ward attending. Very valuable insights from an experienced doctor.

On A Chronic Dose a post about the sensitive topic of whether people with chronic medical problems should have kids.

On Clinical Cases and Images Blog: The mysterious dancing epidemic of 1518 in the city of Strasbourg (France) of particular interest to psychiatrists.

These are just a few of the enormous amount of posts summarized on this weeks excellent grand rounds. Something in it for everyone, have a look.